Here is the custom made abbasaudio DAC 5.0 SE with the tube single ended output stage, in a metal housing with the black wooden front . AC: 230v or 115v, pre order.

The AD1865 (AD1864) is a precision 18bit digital to analog converter with ultra low distortion. This chip provides an external adjustment of the MSB.

As far as I know, before that, there was no DAC model on the market that would use a rectifier tube in the power supply of the digital-to-analog chip. We use EZ80 tube rectifier.

The tube rectifier gives you an extra degree of freedom in customizing your sound. Needless to say, being powered by a tube rectifier makes the sound smoother, more fluid, and closer to sound of LPs.

Attention! We do not use the mute output relay! The device requires warming up for three minutes, at this time various unpleasent sounds are possible, keep the volume at a minimum! Further, the device can be kept on around the clock.

Output stage based on 6BL7 double triode.

We dont use modern high-end ultra pure copper or silver wires inside DAC, but only old copper wires taken from vintage sound equipment. Stranded wires are composed of different varieties of copper strings on a certain principle that leads to the device’s ability to transmit the subtlest musical nuances. We believe that it is the only way to recover the lost life in the recorded music.

DAC 5.0SE features:

  1. EZ80 tube rectifier in digital section
  2. CS8414 SPDIF receiver 24/96.
  3. Shunt voltage regulators based on the germanuim transistors.
  4. Vintage and modern audio components are used:allen bradley,philips,telefunken.

Capacitors: Black Gate, Nichicon muse KX, Nichicon muse KZ.

Resistors: allen bradley, audionote tantalum non magnetic.

  1. Board covered with gold and a special varnish for better sound.
  2. Stranded wires composed of vintage copper wires taken from klangfilm,telefunken,siemens sound equipment
  3. pnp I/U convertor based on the special low noise germanium transistor. As a consequence of this fact, an excellent reproduction of quiet sounds,at -60..-80db level.
  4. PIO output capacitors .
  5. Shortest signal path. 6BL7 output stage.
  6. NOS mode(non oversampling).
  7. AD1865-chip
  8. Separate hand made EI power transformers for digital section.
  9. Vintage choke in the power supply of output stage.
  10. Pure copper heatsinks.
  11. 5Y3 ( or 5V4) tube rectifier in analog section.
  12. 5v RMS output level

Dimensions: 250X200X100


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