Pre-Christmas and New Year discounts are back! Valid until January 20, 2024.

  1. 25% off on cables.
  2. 20% off on assembled PCBs.
  3. 10% off on ready-made products.
  4. 5% off on electronic components, transformers, speakers, and valves if they are listed for sale.

Discounts do not apply to the following items:

  1. Itmes on eBay auctions.
  2. Signature version devices.
  3. CD transport upgrades.
  4. Non serial custom-made items for individual order.

When paying with PayPal, the discount is reduced by 3.6%. Unfortunately, it is inevitable due to losses when converting currencies.

Price lists are available upon request.

If you are interested in an item on eBay auction, please contact me to calculate the discounted price of the item. Please be aware that discounted orders will be finished in December through January, and maybe even into February, depending on their complexity. I cannot assure the fulfillment of all these orders before the New Year holidays.


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